Saturday, May 8, 2010

Let's Play Music Recital

This time of year is full of activities, and although I love to see my kids perform and see that all the time and money is paying off, I am also a little relieved to see one thing "finish up" for the year. On Monday, May 3rd, Let's Play Music came to an end until fall. This was Jacob's third and final year with it and Spencer's first. We went as a family to the recital, but John, Bryce, and Annalise ended up spending most of the time in the nursery room. Spencer joined them shortly after he finished his performance. It was a nice performance and of course Mrs. Marci and Mrs. Robyn did a great job!

All I had was my phone camera, so the pictures didn't turn out so well, but here are a few anyway. This is Spencer's group. He is in the second row wearing a white shirt and red tie.

Spencer with his certificate and reward...a whistle pop!

Jacob receiving his award from Mrs. Marci.

All of the third year students.

Mrs. Marci will be missed!

Jacob at the piano. I had to get a picture of him at the piano after the recital. He was the first one of the third years to perform and I was out in the hall and heard his name called. Luckily I made it back in just as he was beginning his piece.

Here is the video I also took "after the fact". Jacob is playing an original composition by Jacob Clayton titled Chord Adventures. It is amazing how much these kids learn in 3 short years.

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