Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas 2011

I came home early from the Ryan House on Christmas Eve Day to finish up some last minute things.  John and the kids stayed and played at the Ryan House most of the day. It was amazing how much I could get done without anyone here!

First I unloaded this huge box of toys that the staff at the Ryan House gave to me as I was leaving.  They said that people had donated a bunch of toys throughout the month and that as things came in that they thought our children would like, they set it aside.  I couldn't believe how much stuff was in here!

The doll house in the back was the thing that the Ryan House staff were all super excited about  giving us.  They know how much Annalise enjoys the doll house there and they wanted her to have it.

As I was unloading the stuff from Ryan House, the Fed Ex guy showed up with 21 boxes for me!  They were all from the Green Smoothie Girl.  Our order from the group buy came on Christmas Eve.  Crazy timing, but it just sat in it's boxes until Monday when a couple of others in the group came to help sort everything out.  Now we are stocked up on lots of yummy, healthy food!

 That afternoon there was a knock on our door and someone yelled Ho Ho Ho!  I opened it to see Santa standing there.  Unfortunately the kids hadn't gotten home yet, so he gave me a candy cane and let me take pictures to prove that he had been to our house.

Once John and the kids got home, we had dinner and they all opened one gift...PJs from my mom.

Santa's little Helper?! 

Christmas Morning 

We have 8AM church so we let the kids look at the gifts for a bit, 

then we had breakfast and got everyone ready for church.  

Once they were ready for church, they opened the stuff in their stockings.  We waited to open gifts until after church.

All ready for church!

I tried getting at least one good picture with all the kids, but it just didn't work.  Here are some of our attempts!

When we got home from church, everyone changed back into their PJs and we opened our gifts.

Bryce had wet through his jammies, so I washed them while we were at church.  They weren't quite dry when we started the gifts.

Do you see the girl under there?

Bryce got his very own Geo Trax set.  This one is adapted so that he can make it run forward or backward by just pushing a switch.  He loves it!

A book from his school teacher

Then came the gifts from Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle Seth.  Yes, they were sealed in #10 cans!  Very creative.

Each of the kids ended up with a gift and about a half a can of candy.  They thought that was great!

Chinese money from Grandpa Clayton

This boat that is on Bryce's tray is from Grandma and Grandpa Clayton.  It plays music when you turn the wheel on the back.

He loves his Sponge Bob bubble blower.  Thanks Colorado Cousins!  It too is adapted so that he is able to work it just by hitting a switch.

He and Annalise both love this toy!

Christmas afternoon, John's cousin, Nanette and her parents came for dinner and a visit.  They each brought some little toys for the kids.  It was good to see them again.

Here is some sand art that Spencer and I did together.


laurie said...

wow, awesome christmas! I wish I coulda gotten a ride on Santa's sleigh. Looks like he was very good to you all, you deserve it!

Ann said...

Oh my gosh - that's a lot of toys! Where on earth do you store all of them?! I love the pictures of all the kids dressed up - what a good looking family.

Happy New Year Tammy & family.
