Monday, June 28, 2010

Hangin' with the Munchkins

Saturday, the boys had a performance at 2pm and then again at 7. Spencer and I went to the 2:00 show. It was nice to spend some 1 on 1 time with Spencer. It just doesn't happen very often. Anyway, Spencer loved it and it was able to keep his interest for almost the entire 3 hours! John had to stay at the theater between shows, but the boys did not have to be back until 6:30, so I took them and we left. We went back to the house to pick up Annalise and Bryce, took the babysitters home, and then went to Chipotle for some quick dinner. The boys had all earned a free kids meal from there through the summer reading program. We ate quickly, bought a burrito to take back to John and arrived back at the theater just after 6:30. Since we hadn't had time to re-do the boys make-up and hair I went in with them. We ended up hanging out in the Munchkin room until 7:00 when the show began. The kids were all so cute.

Jacob on opening night getting his make-up done
by Aunt Sheri.

The munchkin boys were suppose to do something
"fun" with their hair. This was William's creation.

Jacob's is a little shorter, but he got a few spikes
in there too!

Munchkin friends in costume.

Bryce and Annalise had so much fun with all
of the activity and energy in that room.

This little boy, I think his name is Joshua,
spent a lot of the time entertaining Bryce.

There were a lot of games and activities
to keep the kids busy until it was there
turn on stage.

I was told that these are the Wizard signs!

Well, tonight is the last night of the play. I really wish I was there watching it. =( I love watching plays and when my hubby and boys are involved, I just can't seen to get enough. In about 1/2 hour, it will all be over for now. I'm glad they have been able to do it. It has been a wonderful opportunity for them. However, I have to admit, I am also looking forward to it being over and having life calm down a bit. Ha Ha, actually, I guess that isn't going to happen any time soon, since our travels will begin this coming weekend, but anyway, a change in the type of busy is always nice I guess! =) I hope they are all having a great time tonight! I can't wait to see them and hear all about it!

1 comment:

Jake and Jenny said...

What a cute picture of Bryce so excited at Chuck E Cheese, and love that your kids were such cute munchkins!