Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Jacob!

8 years ago today, William became a big brother for the first time when Jacob entered the world. He was the best Christmas present ever!

Since the cleaning people were going to be at our house this morning, we decided to start the celebrating with breakfast at Chic-fil-A. The boys had fun with Annalise on the climbing toys and the slide. She thought it was great!



William and Annalise

I had a doctors appointment for Annalise in the middle of the day so the other kids stayed home and played games with Grandma while I did that. Jacob wanted Pizza for dinner so I stopped by Bashas on the way home and picked up his pizza and cake. The only cakes they had there were Christmas ones. The lady there even said that there were none in the back. She tried to convince me to get a cake that had green and red presents on it...because they were just presents like for a birthday. Ah, nice try Lady. I don't think so. I called John to see if he would stop by Frys on his way home to see if they had any birthday cakes and the lady in the bakery must have overheard me because when I got off the phone she said she would be able to make one up for me if I could wait just a few minutes. Interesting since just a couple of minutes before that, there didn't seem to be any around. Anyway, I got the cake (free with a coupon) and pizza and headed home for our family party.

Annalise loved the frosting

Then Jacob opened his gifts

Having a birthday just 5 days before Christmas is kind of a bummer. It just gets mixed in with all the other craziness. This year we didn't even get a friends party planned for him. I guess we'll do that in January.

Jacob is thrilled that he will now be able to start Cub Scouts and he is really looking forward to his baptism in just a few weeks! I can't believe my little snuggler is 8 years old.

1 comment:

Dacia said...

Happy birthday, Jacob! You are a fantastic big brother!