Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sunday Catch-Up

I've really been trying to get the rest of our MAW trip in here, so I'm slacking on the day to day activity. This week has been busy. Bryce continues to heal. He is doing much better. The only issue now is that he is so bored. He also wants to "go" all the time. So far I have kept him home from church and school. I know he would like to go back, but there is so much sickness going around right now and I really don't want him to catch anything. Luckily my mom has been here to help with things around the house. Also, my sister was able to come down one day last week and spend some time with Bryce.

Annalise liked the extra attention as well. Sheri is a fabulous aunt!

We are also still trying to rent our "cottage". We have had a few people who have been interested, but for one reason or another they have fallen through. We have one guy interested right now and if he can come up with the money in time, he may be our new neighbor. It has been nice right now not to have anyone living here, because my mom has been able to use the place and have a little privacy.

Probably the biggest thing this week was Annalise's MRI. It was scheduled for the 21st of this month but when I took Bryce into the pediatricians office for his follow-up appointment, Dr. Nason asked when it had been scheduled. I told her and she said that she didn't think we should have to wait that long. So, Sonya, the wonderful scheduling person in that office made a couple of phone calls and sure enough, they were able to get us in just a few days later! Here are a couple of pictures I took of Annalise while we were in the waiting room. She just loved this toy.

She actually left her pig tails in most of the morning! Isn't she adorable?!

This is a video of her dancing to the music. She may not be as sure on her feet these days, but she still sure loves to move!

Since Bryce still has some needs that I would need to take care of during the time of the MRI, he and my Mom came up with us. Mom spent most of the time walking around the hospital to keep him entertained. Luckily it was a nice day. While Annalise was in for her test, I hung out with them and took care of Bryce's needs. Also, I had found out that it was a half day for the older boys and so I called a friend at the last minute and luckily she was able to come sit at my house so that there was someone here when they got home. Trying to make everything run smoothly is not an easy job! Thank goodness for good friends.

The doctors that we are working with are amazing. About 2 hours after the MRI I got a call from our pediatrician letting me know that the results of the test were normal. Later that evening, I got an email from the neurologist also letting me know of the results. Here is a copy of what he had to say:

Hi Mrs. Clayton:

I’ve looked through Annalise’s MRI – the official report from the radiologists is that it is normal. I’ve asked them to take another look to make sure the myelination pattern is appropriate for her age.

In my review, she clearly has some myelination of the major tracts in the brain, and is developing some myelin in the subcortical white matter. But she is also quite young, and so we may need to repeat this in another 12 months to look for progress. No specific diagnosis based on the MRI.

Let’s plan on seeing her in my office on Dec 22, as scheduled.

If there is any change in her condition, I can always see her right away.



He called me the next morning to make sure I had gotten his email. I was glad that he did because he was able to explain what he wrote a little better. I'm learning a lot of this language, but I wasn't exactly sure what he was saying. =) He told me that he compared her MRI to Bryce's first MRI which was taken at 17 months. Annalise's brain does look slightly more developed than his which may be a good sign, but we will just have to wait and see. When we go in for her appointment, the entire family will be going in, to sign papers and let them take some blood from each of us to get the DNA testing started. Hopefully all goes well with that.

During the next few weeks I will be making appointments with an orthopedic doctor and opthamologist for Annalise to be sure that everything is OK with her in these areas.

Yesterday our family attended the Holiday Party for Affinity Family Care, the agency which provides our respite worker. It was held at the theater at Arizona Mills Mall. They had professional pictures with Santa, activities, little gifts, and a private viewing of the Disney movie, Santa Buddies. Kind of lame movie, but the kids enjoyed it so that is what counts! Once we get our pictures, I will post those and the ones I took of the day.

Today Mom took care of Annalise and Bryce so that I could go to church. It was kind of strange to be there without the little ones, but nice in a way also.

Ok, there are other happenings, but the kids are all asleep now and I am so tired. I have to get some sleep.

1 comment:

Heather said...

well you certainly have your hands full, but love that your family is there to help. Let me know if you need anything.