Great Family Quotes

4-27-2019  Annaism for the day: Today I was working on cleaning out our storage area and I came across some old maternity clothes that I still had in there. Nostalgia hit me as I was moving them from the storage bin to the donation box so of course I had to hold some up and soak in the memories for a moment. Annalise looks at them and says (all shocked like), “Wait, you were really that small when you were pregnant?!” Well my young child, unfortunately Stress has apparently wreaked more havoc on my body during the past 12 years than pregnancy ever did. 😏  *Just for the record, no I was not small when I was pregnant. The clothes stretch when there is a growing belly inside of them! 😂

3-19-15  Annalise ate the white part of a hard boiled egg then handed the yoke to the respite worker saying, "be sure to keep the baby bird safe for me!"
3-17-15  Annalise--I need a kleenex everywhere!
3-15-15  Annalise-- I want to ride home on the top of the car. I've never tried that yet!
9-7-14  While standing in Church, "Beep!  I just deleted Sunday, so now it is Friday again!"  Annalise
2-4-14 5:00 AM  Annalise, "Mom, your bed is like a trampoline!"
2-4-14 During scripture time:  Dad, "Nay, I say unto you"  Annalise, "Are you a horse?!"
  • 6-30-13 Annalise talking about a rotten egg: There is no birdie in that one...only poop!
  • 5-20-13 Annalise singing, "Old MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O, and on that farm he had a rock."
  • 4-21-2013 Annalise as we walk into the Chapel at church: "This place is awesome!"
  • "Maybe it's a doughnut!" Said by Annalise as she began to open every single one of her Christmas presents. Dec. 2012
  • "There's an elk out there mom, do you want me to shoot it?" William 09/11
  • There is one thing that I do NOT want to be when I grow up...a scorpion trainer! Jacob 7/11
  • Refering to using dynamite to blow up the bridge in Toy Story 3: "That is so 1985!" Jacob 1/1/11
  • I am a man with a crutch. But it's a little bit slippery because I have lost one of my crotches! Jacob 6/2010
  • Teacher, teacher, pick me! Cause I'm a booger and I want to be picked! Spencer 5/2010
  • The Golden Rule according to Jacob, "Be treated the way you want to be treated"
  • We can't give our candy to the poor. It will rot their teeth...and they don't even have a toothbrush! Jacob 10/09
  • Come on guys, let's rumbo! William 10/4/09
  • It doesn't matter if I'm not good at the Wii...I'm good with the girls! Jacob 9/2009
  • August 30, 2009 Mom: "Jacob, go tell your siblings to wash their hands and come to dinner." Jacob: "Siblings? I have siblings? But I'm only 6 years old!"
  • August 12, 2009 Five minutes after getting home from School: Mom: "What did you learn at school today Spencer?" Spencer: "I don't remember anything that I learned, but I know it was a lot of stuff!"
  • July 12, 2009 Dad: "Boys, how old do you have to be to have a girlfriend?" William: "96!" Mom: "Perfect answer. Let's just stick with that!"
  • The three older boys were talking about weight today and William said, "yeah Mom is like 300 lbs right now." I said, Hey watch it, I'm not even close to 300 lbs!" Then Spencer pipes up and says, "yeah, she's more like in the 2000's!" Nice!
  • Spencer: It's not male, it's not female, it's Email!
  • Jacob had to do some make up practices this week for music class. He was very excited that he had done it, but on the way home after earning his 2 prizes he said, "Man, 9 practices for only 2 prizes, that's like paying $100 and getting a frog!"
  • William: "Mom, that baby sure is getting big. I bet by now she is twice as big as your head!"
  • Spencer to Jacob: "Are you being nice to me because I got something in my eye?" Jacob: "No, (little laugh) I'm being nice to you because I love you!"
  • Jacob responding to a friend who made some comment about us living on a farm. "What? We don't live on a farm. We don't even have a hedgehog!" So I guess the cows, sheep, pig, horses, and chickens mean nothing without a hedgehog!

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