Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Annalise Walks!

Today Annalise took her first steps for the second time in her life.  At the age of 17 months Annalise was walking very well.  In fact, she had just begun to run.  Then suddenly, she began to lose her balance and before long, she was no longer able to walk without support.  She began using doll strollers to help her balance and walk.  Soon that became too difficult as well and she began walking with a walker. 

She has been working really hard for months on being able to stand without assistance.  In just the last couple of months, she has gone from only being able to stand for about 10 seconds to now being able to stand up to about 3 minutes at a time.  Today her PT Lauren was here working with her and so was Lauren's supervisor, Ray.  We were talking about the things she is now able to do and he suggested we see how she would do if we asked her to walk.  So he did and she tried to take off really fast.  She didn't get more than about a half a step before falling into Lauren.  Then Ray explained to her that she should try just taking one step and then find her balance and then take another step.  To go really slow, like a turtle.  So she did.  She ended up taking up to 7 consecutive steps while walking today.  

By the end of the session, she was very tired, but she was very happy as well.  I was also very happy and I will admit, still in a little shock. 

Now for those of you who know about Annalise's journey, you know that medically this is not supposed to happen.  We have believed for years that she and Bryce had Leukodystrophy and that once the skills were lost, they would never be regained!  Well, it appears that God and Annalise have other plans!  Today we truly witnessed a miracle. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Mesothelioma Awareness Day

I want to tell you all about a new friend of mine.  Her name is Heather.  She is an amazing woman.  When her daughter was just 3 and a half months old, Heather was diagnosed with Mesothelioma and given 15 months to live.  7 and a half years later, she is here raising awareness and spreading hope to others.  Sept. 26th is Mesothelioma Awareness Day.  Please read Heather's story here and then share it with others.  We could all use a little more hope in our lives!  Thank you Heather for sharing your story and your hope with the rest of us!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Proud Mom Moment

Today William spoke in Sacrament Meeting for the first time ever and let me tell you...HE ROCKED IT!  He did such a great job.   He made this momma proud! 

Yesterday afternoon he came to me and asked me if I had Brother Cooper's phone number.  I said that he did and asked him why he needed to call him.  He said that he needed to ask him some questions about the talk that he (William) was going to be giving.  That was the first I had heard about a talk, so I questioned him a bit further.  He said that Brother Cooper had asked him about a week ago to speak in church and told me what he thought the topic was.  He said that he had been thinking about it all week, but just hadn't told me about it.  Sheesh, kid!  Anyway, he then asked if I would help him with it.

I brainstormed with him a bit and helped him get it started and he took off with it from there.  Once he had it written he began practicing it.  He kept saying that he didn't want to just go up and read it and then that he didn't think he should even take his papers with him.  I assured him that it would be fine if he took some notes up with him just in case he got nervous or something and needed to look at something during his talk.

Well, we practiced many more times and it was really sounding good.  He was nervous, but I knew that he would do fine.  What I didn't know was just how fine he would do.  When it was his turn, he stood up and began talking.  I noticed that he did not have his papers with him and I'll be honest, I got a little nervous for him.  A little worried that he might need them sometime along the way.  But oh was I wrong.  That boy of mine (okay, John's too) stood up there, looking out at the audience, and shared his entire talk without even appearing nervous or using his notes once.  (I found out after church that he had put them in his pocket just in case) It's a good thing that you can't cheer in church because I may have just run up and given my boy a high 5 when he was finished.  I saved that for after the meeting!

William told me after church that he had been really nervous and that he was shaking through the whole talk.  He said that he just said a prayer, actually a few prayers before getting up and that he just knew he would be okay.   He said he was able to picture his talk in his head and he knew that he would have help as he spoke.

He received many compliments throughout the day.  What really impressed me was that a man from our ward who William does not even know very well called him, just to let him know how much he and his wife had enjoyed William's talk.  He told him that he was very impressed with how well he did and that it would be okay with he and his wife if William spoke every Sunday.  It was so sweet of him to do.  It made William's day! 

So for those of you interested in what William spoke on today, I will add his talk notes below.  I am so very, very happy with what a great young man our William is growing up to be.  He makes my heart happy!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

1 Year Ago Today

It was one year ago today that Bryce and I headed down to Tucson to meet with Marsha Dunn Klein for the first time.  I was on a quest to find someone who would help us safely transition our son to a blended diet.  With only one small change, we have seen miracles happen.  We have witnessed him doing things that we believed we would never see him do again!  Switching him to a blended diet may have been the best decision I have ever made!

I've decided that in celebration of his "new food" anniversary I would make a list of some of the changes that we have noticed throughout this year.

You can see some of the earliest changes that we saw written here in a post from Nov. 2012 as well as  listed below:   

1. He seems to be more alert, aware, and involved in what is going on around him.  One of his physical therapists today described it as him being more "present" in the world around him. 

2.  He has had the healthiest November that he has had since becoming sick in July 2008.  I'm a little nervous to say that with a few days of November left, but so far, considering this is a month which I have come to fear and dread, he has done amazingly well.  The true test will be to see how January/February go.
3.  He gags less, has less reflux issues, and has good, regular bowel movements. He is also willing and wanting to taste more and more foods by mouth.  This first started when I began giving him green smoothies, but over the past month, we have all seen an even bigger improvement in this area. 

4.  His sleep has improved.  Less waking up during the night!
5.  Has more energy.  He is trying to roll over or scoot around more often and with more purpose in the movements  i.e. to get his feet to his sister so that he can kick her (seriously, he does this intentionally...typical big brother!)  or to knock over a stack of blocks that someone has built just out of his reach. 

6.  Starting to copy more sounds that others make.  The staff at Ryan House last week really noticed this.  Liz, one of the nurses there, kept commenting on how much better Bryce seems to be doing now than he was during our past visits. 

7.  He just seems to look and act better overall.

A few other things we have noticed since writing that post include:

1.  Although over the last few months we have seen a little more illness creep back in for him, he still seems to be healthier overall.  He definitely recovers from illnesses more quickly then he did before and doesn't seem to regress after an illness like he often used to.

2.  He is able to grasp things with his hands again.  Sometimes only for short periods of time, but he can do it.

3.  He is able to lift his hands up and make small marks on paper with very little help.

4.  He can now bring things up to his mouth and chew on them.  The first time he did this it took him almost 45 minutes of trying before he got the z-vibe to his mouth.  He was so determined and did not want anyone else to  help.  He just kept trying until he finally got it into his mouth.  Now he can bring something into his mouth on demand...within a minute or two!

5.  He doesn't gag when he does #4 above.  In fact he is able to tolerate having more things around his face.  We are able to have balloons, rubber balls, etc. in the same room with him again without them making him gag and throw up!  

6.  He is able to reach out and grab for objects again.  He is able to pull them to him or push them away from him.

7.  He is rolling again.  He first was able to roll from his back to his stomach and then just about 2 weeks ago, he rolled onto his back and was able to get all the way over and get his hand out from behind him.  I was so excited!  He was too.  I haven't seen it again yet, but I'm sure I will!

8.  He is able to lift his legs in a walking motion when he is being held up.  He loves "walking" from place to place all over the house!

9.  He continues to gain weight at a steady pace.  He is actually on the charts once again!

10.  He is down from 4 to only 1 prescription medication on a regular basis.

11.  He continues to be so aware and loves to interact with people and his surroundings.

12.  He has much better head control.  When lying on his belly and propped up on his arms, he is able to hold his head up to watch TV or something else going on that has caught his attention.  We have seen him hold his head up for up to 10 minutes at a time.  We used to count that time in seconds!

13.  Bryce's GI doctor who was so against Blended Diet in the beginning has come around completely.  Going from being totally against the idea of me changing Bryce's diet from canned formula to my own blended formula meal of real food, to now suggesting that I talk to other patience of his as well as telling them about the blended diet himself!  When I tell him of Bryce's latest accomplishments he says it is because of all that Green Love that I am feeding him.  :)

14.  The rest of the family is eating much healthier as well.  Bryce is still by far my best fed child, but the rest of us are coming around!  

15.  ...and probably the most exciting thing that we have noticed is the results from his MRI that did not come back as abnormal as his previous ones.  His Mylen, or white matter is growing back!  Unheard of!  Most of the things that he is doing, are not supposed to happen...medically speaking anyway!  He has stumped his doctors once again!

There may be more and I will add them as I think of them (or if others who work with him think of anything else) but, we are seeing miracles with this boy!  I can't say for sure that all of these things are happening just because I changed the type of food that he eats.  However, this is the only change that we have made over the past year and the evidence seems to speak for itself.  I know that these positive changes we see in Bryce are miracles.  They are things that we were not supposed to see our son do ever again.  They are miracles given to us by our Father in Heaven who loves us, loves Bryce, and has blessed me with the knowledge and determination to do what I needed to do so that Bryce could begin to heal.  
May the eating and healing continue!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Battling for Bryce

Like most of you, I would do anything for any one of my children.  When I gave birth to my first child at the age of 30, I quit my job in the "real" world so that I could be home to raise our babies.
 William April 2001

The day that first child was born I began a job that is completely unlike any other.  I vowed that I would do the best I could possibly do while working through that job.  I knew I could not do it alone.  I knew I wouldn't have to.  I knew there would be good days and bad days, happy times and sad times, fun times and not so fun times, but I had no idea the extent to which this job would pull my heart, mind, soul, and everything in me in so many different directions. 

Bryce 2013
There is a battle for Bryce going on at his school right now and as Bryce's mother, it is my job to be at the head of this particular battle.  It is a battle that Bryce would fight for himself if he could, but he cannot.  Yet at the same time, it is a battle that I could not be fighting for him without the help of his spirit and our Heavenly Father's spirit from above.  I love my son and every one of my children more than I will ever be able to express and I will continue to do everything in my power to fight for what they need!