Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Bryce

Today is Bryce's 2nd birthday. We didn't do anything out of the ordinary, but it was a nice day. After church and lunch we let Bryce open his presents because the boys just couldn't wait any longer. Then while he had a nap some of the boys helped me decorate his cake. Tonight after dinner we had cake and ice-cream to celebrate. Bryce was very fasinated by the lights from his candles and the boys were afraid he would touch them while we sang Happy Birthday, but luckily he just looked and pointed. I can't believe he is 2. Technically I guess we still have a few hours before he officially turns 2 since he wasn't born until 11:20pm. Actually at this time 2 years ago, I didn't even know he would be coming on this day. I went into labor about 10 pm that night and he made it into the world just before midnight. We are so glad he is here. He is truly a wonderful boy who makes us smile every day! Happy birthday Bryce!

The boys sing in Sacrament meeting

Today has been a wonderful day. I have to be honest, I don't always say that about Sundays. But today has been a special day. It started off this morning with William, Jacob, and Spencer singing in Sacrament meeting. It was a really great opportunity for them and they did a fantastic job! Last week after church, Sister Bigler stopped us and ask if the boys would be able to sing in church this week. They instantly said yes, and so I said that we would try it. She said that the Bishop had requested that some primary kids sing the song, Search, Ponder, and Pray. Well, for some reason I thought my boys knew that song so I didn't think it would be a big deal, but, when I played it for them when we got home none of them even recognized it. So we set to work and learned the song this week. We practiced at the church yesterday and they got up and sung it all by themselves today as Sister Carroll played for them. I think I was more nervous than they were and I wasn't doing anything. They did very well though and I was very proud of them! William told me afterward that it was really fun to do and he hopes they get to do it again sometime. I think that would be wonderful!

Then after church we came home and made a cake for Bryce's birthday, had lunch and I took a short nap on the couch while John played with the boys. Then tonight we celebrated Bryce's birthday which was a lot of fun.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

New Beds

The three oldest boys have had bunk beds for many years now. It was nice to have the extra room in their bedroom, but it was always so hard to make the top bed. So, when we finished the guest house and needed beds out there, the bunk bed found a new home. That way, I'll only have to change those sheets when company comes! I can handle that! Anyway, so since Christmas time the boys have been sleeping on air mattresses on the floor until we could find new beds. Well, we found these great beds at IKEA. They were on sale and the mattresses are super comfy...and quiet! At first I was going to get matching bedding and make it look all nice and whatever in there, but then as I thought about it, I decided that with each boy having such a different personality, it would be more fun to let them decide on their bedding and see what happened. As you can see, they each have their own idea of what is cool. William went with dinosaurs, Jacob with motorcycles, and Spencer with the ocean scene. They love their new beds!

Friday, January 23, 2009

It has begun!

Well, thanks to a lot of encouragement from my friend Amy, I have decided to create a Clayton family blog. It seems like this will be a lot of fun once I get it figured out. We'll see how it goes! I also have to thank Amy for all the baby girl clothes she "loaned" to us as well as the very well loved sit-n-spin. That thing keeps Bryce occupied for a nice long time. He just loves to put toys on it and then spin them around until they fall off. He then does it again and again and again.