Thursday, March 15, 2012


Oh how I wish that I was not so tired every single night.  At the end of the day, there is still so much that needs to be done as well as many things that I would like to do, and although it is finally nice and quiet and no one is needing me right this minute, I am just too stinkin' tired to do anything!  Once all the kids have been fed and are in bed, Bryce's night feed has begun, and medicines have been given, I am basically useless!

So my dirty dishes and dear, neglected will have to wait another day because I am falling asleep as I type!

Good night for now and sweet dreams...until the first child wakes up!


Katy said...

Tammy, you are an exceptional woman. I hope you know that. You do and are so much. I wish I was closer so I could help you. Being so far a way I feel useless. I just want you to know how much I love you and appreciate your example. Our stake had a R.S. activity last weekend. It was about dancing in the rain. The rain being all the trails and hard things in life and how important it is to still dance in these times. If there is anyone who can show a better example of 'dancing in the rain' (Figuratively of course:) it is you. You show everyone that you can find joy in the smallest things, especially in the hardest of times. Thanking for showing us all how to 'dance in the rain.' Love you.

Julie said...

YOU are amazing! You are there for your children...every day, day in and day out. There will come a time to journal and blog, and catch up--at least that is what I hope because I have been tired like you this past week. Blessing to you and your family (and to one very busy mama.)

Becca said...

Tammy, I can totally understand what you are talking about. I usually can't even make it until everyone is done eating dinner before I am ready to go to bed! So much to do and so little time and energy to do it with. So, yeah, just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. In fact, I would guess that we have lots of good company from just about every other mom of many small children out there!