Thursday, November 15, 2012

That's Our Princess!

Annalise's funny of the day...During OT today, her therapist was trying to get her to button and unbutton a vest. Annalise said that she wanted to put it on. Her therapist said that she could if she would then do 4 buttons. Annalise agreed and they put the vest on. She then began to play. The therapist reminded Annalise that she owed her 4 buttons. Annalise looked right at her and with the hand and all the attitude in that little 3 year old body she said, "Whatever!" She had the head shake and everything.  Where does she get this stuff?!  She then giggled and went on playing. We could not stop laughing. Yeah, she's 3 going on 16, the little stinker. I think the poor therapist finally got 2 buttons out of her today!

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