Sunday, June 29, 2014

We're Trying!

Family Home Evening went kind of like this today:

* Gather everyone into the scripture  room. 
* Fighting begins over who gets to sit where. 
* Opening song. 
* Opening prayer. 
* Everyone plays a piano piece starting with Annalise who plays and sings a song called The Birthday song.  Adorable.
* most other songs consist of a few grumpy pounds on the piano
* Fighting over who sits where continues. 
* Start discussing family business. 
* Complaining begins about how unfair life is at our home. 
* Continue business. 
* Discover Annalise needs to be changed.
* Sit on the floor to start changing process as certain boy gives his opinion of how things should happen around the house. 
* Look up and realize that there is projectile vomit coming toward us from Bryce as screaming begins.
* Grab big brothers shirt that he took off minutes earlier to catch the puke.  (Sorry Spence)
* run to Bryce while daughter freaks out because she has puke on her shirt and arm.
* Send one boy out to get towels, one boy to get the suction machine, and one to get the wedge.
* Suction Bryce.  Pray that the vomiting stops soon and that he does not aspirate it.
* Dad, Bryce, Annalise take shower and/or bath for the second time. 
* Switch the peed on sheets from the night before (now clean) from washer to dryer. 
* Clean chair, floor, towels, and clothes that were in puke’s path. 
* Start another load of laundry filled with items used for cleaning and soiled clothing.
* Clean suction machine.
* Get Bryce situated again with towels under and over him and suction machine close by.
* Gather everyone around again. 
* Complaining begins about being hungry.  (We had lunch right before we began the first time)
* Start lesson. 
* Annalise bursts into tears while signing that she is hungry. 
* Start lesson again.  Fussing/complaining continues.
* End 60 second lesson.
*Sing (some sing, some cry, some sit while looking grumpy)
* Pray
* send everyone out to find something to have as a treat

I sure hope we get points for trying!

Ah…now on with the rest of our day of rest!


B said...

I seem to recall a saying that goes like this. Family Home evening the weekly fought that begins and ends with prayer. ..

laurie said...

we had a similar (I use that loosely) occurrence that started with me screaming that I would not let them MAKE me be disobedient to the prophet so we WERE having it and I didn't care if they weren't behaving I was doing it and that was that!! Yah, not our most spiritual event.