Here are a few pictures of the boys all dressed up and ready to leave for school. Don't look at the time on the pictures...they were up early, but not at 12:30 am. Time on the camera is still wrong. Oops!
Bryce just as smiley as ever!
I couldn't get Spencer to give me a good smile, because the sun was in his eyes. Oh well, we take what we can with this one!
William...our big 4th grader!
They love their new backpacks!
All ready to go! I must say that I loved school shopping this year because I was able to buy $4-6 shorts and t-shirts that the boys want to wear instead of the $10-12 uniform shorts and shirts they used to wear to school.
Bryce in front of his school. He didn't want to stop for a picture. He just wanted to get into his classroom!
Jacob has Mrs. Jones this year. You can see her inside the classroom.
Spencer is very excited about being in first grade. Now he gets to play on the "real" playground instead of just the kindergarten one!
William, excited and a little nervous about started something new!
Every year it is a little sad to see my kids go off to school and I miss them terribly. I have to be honest though, today I am loving the little bit of peace and quiet I am currently enjoying. It's been a good summer, but I think it will be nice to get back to some routines and a few moments of quiet during the day for me. That is, once we return from our upcoming trip! Bryce came home from school on the bus today, met with his new speech therapist, (who seems amazing!) and he and Annalise are now down for naps! Ahhh!
Hope you are having a good day boys! I love you!