Thursday, July 1, 2010

Good-bye Play, Good-bye Alyson

On Monday the 28th, the boys play ended. When they came home, they had this huge, red balloon with them. After squeezing it through the front door, John explained to me that it was the one used for his hot air balloon and that he gets to keep it!

Annalise and Bryce got to see it the next morning. Bryce likes it as long as it isn't too close, and Annalise loves it!

The 29th was Alyson's last day as Bryce's speech therapist. She truly has been amazing with him. We will miss her greatly!

I think I mentioned earlier that Alyson was testing Bryce so that she would have something to pass onto his next therapist to let her know where he stood in his language abilities. Well, when she came on Tuesday, she brought a copy of the write-up for me. The entire write-up was very interesting, but of course too much information to share here. However, the most amazing part were the test results. Although his expressive communication was only at an 11 month old range, his comprehension score was at a 5 year 1 month range. Amazing! There is one smart little guy stuck in that body of his! Hopefully his next therapist will see Bryce's potential and work with him as well as Alyson has.

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