Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Jacob December 20th

December, as always, has been a crazy, busy month.  Before the year is over, I want to at least post about the most important of those being Jacob's birthday.  He turned 9 this year!  

This year we have begun a new tradition of "breakfast in bed" for each of the children on their birthdays.  The other kids enjoy helping to choose and prepare the food.

Jacob had already gotten up, so we had to remind him to go back to bed and wait for his breakfast.  He was glad that it didn't take too long to prepare.

He got to open one present in the morning...mostly because William just couldn't wait any longer to give it to him. 

Jacob was very excited to get a book written and published by William.   

It is William's first "real" book. 

The book is called "Sunny Town Super Hero" and is all about a Super Hero (Jacob) who saves the town on Christmas day.  It's pretty funny! 

He also received a Beyblade from Leah, one of our respite workers. 

Family presents came after pizza for dinner. 

Mr. Cool in his spy glasses 

Luckily there was one cake that was not decorated for Christmas.  Angry birds seemed to be fine for him. 

Happy Birthday Jacob!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Hey! Eric Leech and Reed Pierce both got that exact same video watch for Christmas! We've gotta get all these boys together to play. Eric and Russell have some Beyblades, too.