Spencer as Mario, William as Luigi, and Annalise as Princess Peach. All I had to get for hers, was the wig.
Then we have our Star Wars heros. Bryce as Yoda, and Jacob as Darth Vader. The best part was to see Darth pushing Yoda around in the stroller! =) Jacob makes a very sweet Darth Vader.
Peach and Yoda just hanging out watching all the activities of the night.
Annalise finally gave up and fell asleep. I couldn't believe how long she actually left the wig on her head.
Spencer playing one of the games at our ward Trunk or treat.
The boys all had fun doing the cake walk.
Jacob enjoying his cupcake prize.
William of course chose the largest cake there was! It was quite tasty.
So since Saturday we have had way too much cake and candy around our house, but the boys all seemed to have a great time and are all pleased with there Halloween treasures.
Everyone looked so cute!!! And there is nothing wrong with store bought costumes--they have come a long way since our day!(Remember the plastic masks? It was tough to breathe through those things!) Since I don't sew, that is all we have every done (except for the year Grammy was in town.:-)).
Cute costumes. I love Princess Peach - how clever.
All of your kids looked so cute!
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