Friday, March 5, 2010

Green Eggs and Ham

This morning I got to go to breakfast at school with Spencer and have green eggs and ham! His school, along with many others, have been celebrating read across America week this week. As part of this, they had a breakfast for all of the kindergartners and their parents. They served us green eggs, ham, and chocolate milk or orange juice. It doesn't get much better than that! It was so much fun to spend time with Spencer.

Spencer holding our tickets. I got to stand in line with him as we went through the area where he gets his lunch everyday. He enjoyed telling me all about how they do lunch there and how they have to wait behind the orange cone until there is room to go into the cafeteria to pick up their lunch.

Spencer ate up all of his ham...

green eggs...

and orange juice!

A couple of friends from Spencer's class.

Here is Spencer's class.

Spencer and his teacher Mrs. Sisson. The entire staff was dressed up as Cat in the Hat today! So fun. Spencer's teacher is fantastic!


Unknown said...

Green eggs and ham are fun!! But, I'm confused. If Spencer is in kindergarten why is he eating lunch at school everyday. Aren't your kids in Ben Franklin? Did they start doing all day kindergarten?

Tammy said...

Amy, you'll have to look back at my February 17th post. Spencer and Jacob have switched schools. Spencer now goes all day and loves it! I need to give an update on that again. Thanks for the reminder.