Tuesday, June 1, 2010

LD? SMA? The Journey Continues!

So here we are heading into June. Next month it will be 2 years since this journey we are on to find out what is going on with Bryce's little body began. And unfortunately, we still seem to be a long way from knowing what is causing the problems. However, we have a new lead and I am kind of excited about it. A week or so ago, a family in our ward, the Morley family, was telling us about a Dr. friend from their old ward in Utah. They said that he has some type of specialty working with the nerves in the body and finding where the shorts are from the messages going from the brain to the muscles. He also has opened a school in Provo, Ut.--Rocky Mountain University, where he teaches students about this method that he has. After talking with Bro. Morley for a while and finding out more about Dr. Rick Nielsen from the Internet, I decided that it wouldn't hurt to give him a call. He sounds like a very impressive Doctor. Well, last night he called us and we talked for some time describing Bryce's condition and some of the tests that he has had. He asked if we have ever heard of Kugelburg-Welander disease. It's a type of Spinal Muscular Atrophy. I have heard of SMA but not this particular type. He told us to look it up and then give him a call this morning and we would talk more. We did and a lot of the symptoms of SMA type 2 look very similar, but not everything. Anyway, I will be calling him in a little bit and we will see what happens. The prognosis of SMA is no better than that of LD and at the present time there is no cure, but I still think it is something worth looking into and it will be interesting to see what this doctor has to offer. Maybe we will find it is not SMA, but something else. Who knows. It's worth looking into anyway.

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