Saturday, June 26, 2010

Opening Night

Last night was opening night of The Wizard of Oz at the Queen Creek Performing Arts Center. My sister Sheri and I went to see it. They all did a fantastic job. William and Jacob made two of the cutest munchkins ever and John did an incredible job as Professor Marvel/the Wizard. It was a lot of fun to see. Spencer and I are going to see it this afternoon.

Jacob and William with Glinda, the Good Witch...AKA Denise Klein.

John the Wizard, with Glinda, and a couple of cute munchkins. Right after the show, the adults in charge of the Munchkins ushered them right out to their room where they changed out of their costumes and waited for their parents.

Everyone of these characters did an absolutely wonderful job. There is some serious talent there!

Some of my favorite cast members!

The boys were thrilled when The Lion (Valeen Nielson) asked them for their autograph!

John with Uncle Henry and Aunt Em

Good Witch/ Wicked Witch

Beth Benning made the best Almira Gultch/Wicked Witch I have ever seen!

This is William and Jacob's first official play, and they are loving it! They are so different from each other and it is very obvious watching them in this play and seeing how they interact with others in this type of atmosphere. It is nice though, that they have both had a great time and are already talking about how excited they are to be in the next one.

The play ended at 10 PM and I would have thought that they boys would have just fallen into bed, but wow, were they excited. They talked non-stop on the way home and after having a snack, they finally settled into bed. Luckily they slept in this morning later than they ever have. They have two shows today and then one Monday evening. They should be ready for a little rest once this is over.


Katy said...

Love the costumes! And I am so glad that William and Jacob both enjoyed the play so much!!! It's awesome that they have found something like this that they like so young!!! Wish we could have been there to see it too.

Jenn C. said...

Great pics! I wish that we could have seen the show. I totally know Denise but I cannot remember why I know her.