Yesterday morning at 4 AM while I was up with Annalise, who thought that was a good time to play, something happened that was both wonderful and sad at the same time. I was watching my little girl and realized how big she is getting. She now rolls over and is beginning to scoot herself around a little bit. She was lying on her back and I handed her a toy. She took it and began playing with it, passing it from one hand to the other. I was smiling and so happy to see her progressing so well. Then a tinge of sadness hit me as I realized that she has now passed Bryce as to what he can do physically. He cannot roll over and he cannot hold up a toy and play with it while on his back. He can do less physically by himself than his 5 month old sister can! My joy turned to tears for my little boy. I also worry and wonder if Annalise will continue to grow and develop normally or if there will come a time for her that these great accomplishments that I am enjoying so much right now will be lost to her as well. It makes me so sad. I wish I could just enjoy my little girl and everything she is learning and doing at this time!
Speechless. All things will be for our good....
Well said. (and completely understandable)
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