Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Heavy Heart

Today my heart is heavy. It is heavy with sadness for the many people I know...family members, friends, ward members, friends of friends...all good people who are going through some really tough trials and hard times right now. So much of what is going on does not seem to have any answers as to why. It's so hard to see such good people doing the best they can and struggling. It often makes me angry. It hurts knowing there is nothing I can do to help. Nothing, I guess, but pray. I know that the Lord is aware of all of us and all of the things we are going through. I'm sure he cries as we cry even though he knows that this will all be for our good. I'm not ready to leave this world, but when I do get to the other side, it will be so nice to have a full understanding of why things happen the way they do. ...of course then I'm sure my heart will ache because I can't come back and tell everyone what I have learned! "sigh"

1 comment:

Julie said...

Joe came back from a EQ meeting and had some hard things to share too...we've been praying for those in our ward/family/work place too. There is never a shortage of pain and misery is there?