Monday, August 9, 2010

Home Sweet Home!

After a fun filled week with the Clayton Clan, we have arrived home safe and sound. Is it good to be home? Well, yes and no. It is great to be out of the car and it will be nice to have all of the medicines and equipment that we need here at our finger tips. It will be nice to see friends again and to be able to put the suitcases away for a while. On the other hand, there is way too much responsibility waiting for me here! I was fine most of the trip home, but as we drove into Queen Creek, I began to get a little uneasy feeling in my stomach and a strong desire to just turn around and keep on driving. I guess it didn't help that just today I received 5 or 6 phone calls or emails letting me know of things that I need to do or people I need to call in the next day or two. It was kind of humorous actually as we were traveling today and I would receive one call or message after the other about this or that which people need me to do "as soon as possible". I kept thinking, "how do these people know that I am on my way home anyway?" It's like they knew my vacation was now over. =)

So anyway, it is good to be back in our own home and to have had a safe and wonderful trip. It does feel good to have my littles all sound asleep in their own beds, and to not be sticky, wet due to humidity, but, I am really not looking forward to getting back into real life. I guess I'm just not one for the seemingly non-stop stress and obligations that real life seems to be throwing at me right now. It appears that I'm not quite ready to end the vacation yet. The boys seem to be feeling a little mixed emotion as well. At dinner tonight I asked them if they were excited about going back to school tomorrow. "Sort of" was the response I got. I said something about how great it will be to see their friends again and William responded with, "no, my cousins are my friends! I just want to go back and see them." I'm so glad that they had the chance to get to know their cousins a little better and form some lasting bonds with them. Hopefully things will run smoothly tomorrow and we will all be able to adjust well and quickly!

I have tons of pictures and lots of stories to tell from our travels this summer. Hopefully soon I will get some time to relax, blog, and relive all the good times we had while visiting our wonderful families! Thanks to everyone who helped to make that possible!

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