Tuesday, December 14, 2010

18 months

Annalise had her 18 month well check today and finally weighs in at 20 lbs! She is hanging onto that growth curve by a thread, a lot like her brother, William! Other than having to wait for an hour in the office, the check-up went well. Dr. says that her reflexes are a little more brisk than they should be, but otherwise look fine. She is anxious to hear what the ortho and Neurologist have to say.

We also had Bryce's post op. appointment. His incisions are healing well. He will be getting his casts off on January 11th, four weeks from today! I cannot wait until that day is here! Unfortunately we won't know for another 3-4 months if the surgery did what it is suppose to for his hips.

In between appointments, I took some cupcakes into Jacob's class for his birthday. It isn't until the 20th, but he will be on Winter break by that point. I can't believe he is almost 8 years old. He can't wait to turn 8. He is most looking forward to starting Cub scouts, getting baptized, and being able to fast. He is an amazing boy!

1 comment:

Heather said...

love your quotes from your kids on the side of your blog. Those will be even more fun to read when they are older.