Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Payson Getaway

We have made it to Payson and have been enjoying some nice cool weather surrounded by trees and a little creek. The weather has been in the high 40's low 50's. It's beautiful. The weather is suppose to turn cooler and they are predicting snow for Thursday. I really hope we get some. That would be a lot of fun for the kids.

We have been spending time playing games that the kids got for Christmas, watching videos, and exploring nature. I have also gotten a nap both days that we have been here...a dream come true! I fully intend to continue that activity! I am hoping to catch up on our blogging this week as well. I still have pictures from our Make-A-Wish trip that I haven't gotten on here. It should be fun to go back and relive those fun days as I post some pictures. Somehow life kind of turned upside down once we got home and I have not been able to finish. I like to have the blog all organized chronologically, but it's just not going to happen this time. November and December are kind of all over the place. Oh well, as long as I get it all in before the end of the year, I guess it doesn't really matter. We'll see how it goes!

1 comment:

Dacia said...

A nap? Good for you! It sounds like a lot of snow is heading your way - stay safe and warm! Enjoy your time with the kids. They grow up sooooo fast.