Friday, December 17, 2010

Visitors, decorating, and Ward Christmas Party

The beginning of this week started with a visit from Nathan Cassani and his family. He is the second oldest boy in a family that I used to nanny for while I was going to BYU. Seeing his wife and son made me feel very old! They are moving from Florida to Utah and stopped here to stay a night. It was great to visit with them.

Jonathan Cassani

Lynn and Nathan Cassani

We also got the tree up and decorated. Spencer adding his touch.


William wasn't too interested in trimming the tree. He was working on his own projects.

On Wed. Bryce's school class had a cookie decorating party. My mom was in town so we took Annalise and spent some time in his classroom.

He of course wasn't really interested in the cookies and once I came into the room he was ready to go, so we didn't stay too long.

Checking out the bell on his arm. That was a gift from his teacher. He liked that. Jingle bells is his favorite song this year.

gifts for his teachers

Annalise loved decorating and eating the cookies!

Then tonight was our ward Christmas party. My favorite thing about the whole party was that there was a Santa Claus there. It has been many years since there has been a Santa at a ward Christmas Party and finally...thanks to our activity leader, Laurie, we had one tonight.

Bryce seeing Santa for his 3rd time this year. He loves Santa this year!




Annalise would not look at him, but finally, we got a picture of her and Santa where she wasn't crying! Third time's the charm I guess!

After seeing Santa, we were in the room chatting with others in our ward while the boys played with the little gifts from Santa. One thing that they received was a balloon. We found out tonight that Bryce and balloons do not mix! Someone got one too close to his face and he began to gag. Unfortunately I did not get him calmed down and out of the room fast enough and he ended up losing his dinner all over the front of himself! So sad. Luckily I had a change of clothes for him so I cleaned him up and we headed in to where they were serving dinner. Unfortunately by the time we got there most of the food was gone and there really wasn't anywhere to sit. It was a great turnout! So we got some fruit slices and a bit of the food that was left and then sat in the foyer and had dinner. Once dinner was over, the food tables were put away so there was some room for us to sit and watch the Christmas performance. The kids enjoyed their candy while listening to the musical numbers.

They, and a bunch of other kids there, also played with their balloons, so all night I was trying to keep flying balloons from getting too close to Bryce. Luckily, he was fine the rest of the night.

Just a little side note here mostly for future reference, but tonight as part of getting ready for the party, I gave Annalise a bath. When I set her down to get her dressed, I felt a little vibration from her foot. I didn't want it to be true, but I checked her for ankle clonus which was one of the earliest symptoms for Bryce and sure enough when I tapped her foot up, it vibrated for a brief moment. It was very brief, but very obvious. I showed John just to make sure I wasn't imagining it, but unfortunately he saw/felt it also. We finished getting her dressed and just tried not to think about it for the rest of the night. So sad that this is happening to her.

I also found out this week that my nephew, Chase, has been diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. The weird thing is that two days before this I was talking to my mom about some of the things Spencer is going through and I told her that if I had to "diagnose" him right now, I would say he has something like Asperger syndrome. I've thought that for a while. I don't know that much about it, but what I do know seems all too familiar. I don't know. I really don't have any idea, but it was really odd when my Mom called and told me about my brother's son. The scary part is that it is hereditary. I've been thinking for a while that I need to take Spencer to see someone, but I just don't want to have them slap a label on him and move on. I don't want to create something that isn't there either. However, something is definitely going on with him and I think talking with someone would be good, I just have to figure out who and decide for sure if this is the right thing to do. It is just so hard to know.

On a happy note, today is the first day of Winter break! Hooray. No school for almost 3 weeks! Fun times ahead...and less stressful mornings!

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