Thursday, June 25, 2009

It's All Relative

So yesterday morning when John got up, he asked how I had slept. I said that it had been a good night. I then started telling him about how Annalise and Bryce had only woken up twice each and how at one point Annalise slept for 4 and a half hours. Then I started thinking about the hours and realized that once I got everything ready for the next day, it was 11:oo by the time I had gone to bed. Bryce woke up at 5 am and was not able to get back to sleep, so I started my day then. So within a 5 hour time period, I was only up 4 times...and I honestly had said that it was a good night of sleep! When I realized that, it just made me laugh. Better to laugh than cry I guess!

However, last night Annalise actually slept 7 and a half hours without waking! I hope something similar continues to happen! Now if I could just get myself to go to bed when they go to bed, I might actually get more than an hour or two of sleep at a time.


Unknown said...

Oh my, that is so rough!! I hope you're taking naps during the day.

Jake and Jenny said...

It is all relative with a new baby! You count you blessings for just that little bit of extra sleep! Just keep laughing!

laurie said...

Amazing how we do it on so little rejeuvenation. Glad she is sleeping more for you. If it makes you feel any better, I still don't sleep through the night. My kids "mostly" do, but my body just seems to have had too many years of interrupted sleep. Totally sucks.

Debbie said...

Yikes! You are amazing!