Sunday, September 13, 2009

Surgery tomorrow

Bryce will be going in tomorrow morning for his feeding tube insertion. I have really been full of a lot of different emotions today. I am really dreading it. Although a part of me knows that this is the best thing for him right now and we have tried everything else that we can think of to help him, it is still hard to accept what he will be going through. I'm scared to death. I mean I've had it all explained to me and I know that I will be getting a lot of training in the next couple of days, but it is still so scary to me. I just hope everything goes well and that his little body handles everything like it should. The other kids will all be in different places tomorrow also, which always makes me a little nervous. It's times like this that make me really miss having family close by. Thank goodness for good friends who are caring for our children during the day and getting them to where they need to be. We are trying hard to keep life as normal as possible for the older boys. Hopefully everything will run smoothly. John will be home with the kids in the evening and through the night so that will be good. It will be the first time I leave Annalise overnight. I hope she does well. I'm sure she will. She is such a great night sleeper...a wonderful blessing! Well, I guess I better see if I can get some sleep. I have a feeling I am going to need a good working mind tomorrow! I'll try to update once he comes out of surgery if possible.

1 comment:

laurie said...

So scary. I'm sorry you guys are having these trials. Not that it helps, but they're supposed to help you grow and learn. We will keep Bryce in our thoughts and prayers. Call if there is anything you need.