Sunday, September 26, 2010

July 15 (Cont.) Candy and Auction

After a picnic lunch, we headed to Patsy's Candy Factory for a free tour. The kids all had fun seeing how all the candy was made and seeing so much candy all in one place. I must admit though, after growing up near the Hershey Chocolate factory and touring it many times in my life, I was not very impressed with Patsy's. I wish Hershey still did tours. There is nothing like the smell of literally tons of Chocolate all in one place. That was great!

These are bins full of different flavored popcorn

Nathan and the taffy

Everyone enjoying their treats outside of the candy factory.

Then back to the lodge for swimming, playing, dinner, and a family auction!

Watching the games. Porter and Uncle Ryan

Nathan and Bryce


Nathan and Porter

All lined up and ready for the auction. My brother Kevin started this tradition (actually, I think he got it from his in-laws) with our family a couple of reunions ago. Everyone gets 20 beans and we can "buy" small toys and games and items that have been donated, mostly by Mom, for the auction. There is also a twist with a yellow bean which can count as the high number of beans and take whatever the item is...unless you are outbid by the red bean...which wins above all beans! It's a lot of fun for everyone.

Bryce with his beans. He was very excited to get them.

No Bryce, the beans are not for eating!

Kevin, the auctioneer.

must have been a popular item.

Spencer and his auction face. Every time he would bid, he would get this look on his face. So funny!

Jacob congratulating Spencer on his win.

Bryce with his prize firetruck. We would put this on his lap and he would kick his legs until it would fall. He would laugh and laugh and then want to do it again. He loves this truck.

not much excitement about the book

There is that face again.

The girls heading off after the auction. It is so fun to see how fast all the kids became such good friends. They all got along so well.

After the auction, Mom had all of the grandkids come back to her place and choose a book from her collection.

The end of another great day!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Ah, the Hershey plant - that place was awesome! The smell as you drove toward the plant was soooo good! Good memories....