Thursday, October 14, 2010

Custom Car Museum and Family Auction

After touring the church, we went to a custom car museum. Although somewhat neat, this museum cost way more that it was worth. It was also very NOT child friendly, which always makes me uncomfortable. If I feel my children are not welcomed somewhere, than I usually have no desire to be there. Funny story about this though...The members of the family that had not gone to the church, had been to this museum in the morning. When we went in to pay, the lady working there warned us that we must keep the kids under control. They were not to touch anything and had to stay right by us. She then told us of a group that had been in earlier that day and how the children were not supervised and were running all over the place. The funny thing is that she didn't realize she was telling us about the other members of our own family. She was quite unfriendly to everyone actually. Anyway, I just explained to the boys that they had to stay right by us and not touch anything. They did a good job. Hopefully she wasn't talking about us later that day!

There were some cool looking cars here, but the kids (and I) tired quickly. We had also not had lunch and they were quite hungry. Bryce had no interest in this museum at all. I just kept looking at these cars and thinking about how much time and money went into them. Yes, maybe they look cool, but what a waste. I can think of so many better things to spend money on. I guess those who built those cars would think my hobbies were a waste of time and money also. To each his own I guess.

So, within a very short time the kids and I were ready to move lunch, naps, and the pool! Unfortunately, those who rode with us were enjoying a video that lasted quite a while, so I just kept trying to keep the kids entertained and not touching anything. Here are a few pictures of the boys with some of their favorite cars at the museum.

Later that evening we had a family auction. For this one, we had all brought items from home to donate to the auction. It was fun to watch the kids bidding for the items they thought should be their treasure.

This was my favorite purchase. Lizzy "bought" these dogs. Well, the thing is they came from her home and at first people were giving her a hard time about getting something that her family donated (which I saw happen a few times with my own children!). That is until we saw why she had bid so strongly for these animals. She had gotten them for Bryce. It was so sweet to see her give these to him. As you can see, he was thrilled with the gift! Lizzy is a sweetheart!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

That is adorable! What a sweet girl!