Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Run, Run, Run

That is what I have done for the past three days. Now, I wish I could tell you that I have been running as part of the training for the 10K that I am planning/wanting to run in January, but no, that is not it. I'm exhausted tonight and so I am just going to give you the "in a nutshell" version.

*picked-up the house and folded laundry so that the house was ready for the cleaning people to come (thank goodness for them or I don't know if my toilets would ever get cleaned, and trust me, they always need it!)
*took Annalise to the doctor for a recheck of her ears. They look fine now! Good news.
*filled the gas tank which was on empty when I returned from Baltimore.
*picked up Bryce from the bus
*2 hours of therapy with Bryce
*helped show house to potential renter (John really did most of this)

*spent a little over 2 hours...seriously 2 hours on the phone dealing with pediatrician, neurologist, insurance, etc.
*GI appt. for Bryce. He is up to 27 lbs! Hooray. Although that is still a little low, at least he now appears to be heading in the right direction. Let's hope it continues.
*cub scouts

*took Bryce to the bus. This took a little longer than usual, because he had one of his apnea spells as they were loading him into the bus and I had to go onto the bus until he was better. It was hard to send him off after that happened
*drove boys to school (they were late for their bus because I was dealing with Bryce issue)
*While I was dropping the older boys at school, the nurse at Bryce's school called and said that he was having a tough time with his breathing again.
*Went home, got medicine for Bryce, took it to him at school. Gave him medicine, spoke with his teacher about a few things that are going on.
*Went in search of a Yoshi costume and a few pieces for other costumes. Found one...a little big, but we will make it work
*home long enough to make two phone calls about medical records.
*picked Bryce up from bus and headed to Phoenix with the two little ones.
*stopped at PCH for records
*stopped at St. Joe's for records
*met with Patty to pick up communication device and have her explain to me what she has done with it. Bryce and I are both very excited about having it back. Patty is awesome!!!
*got home just in time to grab Spencer's music bag and meet the boys at the bus.
*took Spencer to music class
*home to drop off older boys and pee...that always seems to get in the way of my running!
*back to pick up Spencer and home to crash and relax in front of the t.v. Ha, ha, just kidding. John is working late and then meeting with a friend so I get to do dinner and bedtime before I crash! Now, all but one child is in bed and soon I will be watching my recorded copy of Biggest Loser. I sure hope watching it helps somehow, because the way I have been eating and not getting any exercise in, I'm afraid I am going the opposite direction of where I'd like to be. Grrr!

Of course on all days there is homework, school projects, meals to prepare (although dinner tonight was corn dogs and last night was Pizza), and diapers to change.

Tomorrow should be a little calmer and fun. In the morning, an occupational therapist who has devoted a good part of his time to helping kids with special needs get toys that they can use, is coming over to meet Bryce. He is going to help us decide on a type of switch to get for Bryce so that he may be able to play with some toys a little bit more independently. I am excited to see what he has to offer.

Then, knock on wood, but for now we don't have anything planned in the afternoon, so maybe we can all get a much needed nap. We shall see!


Unknown said...

You are so busy. I would say I feel your pain, but I my pain doesn't compare. How about I just say I feel pain for you. I wish I lived closer and was more available to help you out. Don't stress about what you're eating. Eat something that makes you feel good every day. And buy prewashed salad greens and prechopped veggies. Costs a bit more, but you my dear do not have time to rinse lettuce and chop veggies.

laurie said...

ditto to everything Amy said. Except I do live close so call me if you need something!!