Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lunch at Julie's

This morning I woke up in a rotten mood. I don't know why for sure, but maybe it was because it was raining on park day, or because I was awake a good part of the night with pregnancy pains, or because of the kids waking up way to early and being fussy, or having people avoiding me and not returning my calls because they owe me money, or maybe it was the huge piles of laundry and dishes that greeted me.... Who knows what it was, but I was having a tough time getting motivated today. I did have a Parent teacher conference at 10:30, so I knew I would have to get ready sometime, but I just didn't feel like it. I just wanted to go back to bed. Luckily I got a phone call from Julie at about 9:30 who not only offered to watch my kids while I went to the conference, but also told me that some of the people who had planned on going to the park were going to be getting together at her house for lunch at 11 instead. That was it! That's what I needed. I got everyone ready to go, went to the conference and then over to Julie's. It was so great to just let the kids play and to have a yummy lunch and talk with the other ladies that were there. It was great to see Cyndi again and catch up with her as well as all the others. All morning I had been thinking, that I just wanted something different and good to happen and this was it. I was also able to watch Julie's son after school today while she went to the dentist so that was nice. I feel like I use other people so often these days with all of the appointments that we have, that it was nice to be able to help someone else out a little. So thanks to Julie and all the others who helped to put a little sunshine into my day!


Unknown said...

I totally know what you mean when you have lots of appointments, there's just nothing else you can do but leave your kids with people who clearly must love you to watch them so often for you. Glad you had a great lunch. I sure miss everyone down there, wish I could've gone to lunch!

laurie said...

That was sweet. I'm so glad your day turned around. It's amazing what one little turn of events can do for you!