Monday, February 23, 2009

Frustrating news

When Bryce's Physical therapist came today, she brought with her some news that is just making me sick inside. Budget cuts have now hit too close to home. Because of the states financial problems, DDD services for children birth to age 3 have been eliminated! What this means is that unless a child with special needs has been approved for long term care, they will no longer receive services such as developmental specialists, occupational therapy, physical therapy, or speech therapy! That cuts ALL of the therapy Bryce is currently receiving. When we applied for long term care back in Oct., they told us he doesn't qualify because he does not have a diagnosis. So basically, as of March 1st...yes next week...he will be getting NO therapy! I just can't believe it. Cut, just like that! It just makes me want to cry! His therapies are the one thing (other than prayers and fasting of course) that really seem to be helping. I can't believe that a 2 yr old who can't even crawl or sit up without support can't qualify for the help he needs! So what do I do? Just sit and wait until he is 3 and can't crawl or sit by himself and then get help from the school district? I don't think so! She did give me a few ideas of things we can try, so I will be pursuing those and we'll see what happens. I am going to have him re-evaluated for long term care and look into how much our insurance will cover if we need to go that route. Oh, I am so frustrated right now. I realize that something needs to be done to help the economy, but how in the world do they think that cutting the funding needed to help these little ones in the most critical time of their growth and development is a good idea! UGH!!!


Unknown said...

Oh that is terrible!!! I'm absolutely horrified for you! We had trouble getting services for the boys when they were little but then our insurance ended up covering everything we needed. But Bryce needs so much more.

laurie said...

I'm speechless. We will continue to pray for you. Have faith.

Valeen said...

I am so sorry! They cut Matthew's funding when he was three because his diagnosis doesn't fall within the big three, Down's, Autism, or Cerebral Palsy. I really am sorry! I know how frustrating this is. I'll write the state and express me extreme displeasure at this decision!

Lulu said...

Darn the stupid decisions. Laurie's right, The Lord is the one who can and will help. You're in our prayers as well.

Heather said...

oh I am so so so sorry to hear this. YOu are in my prayer as always.

Julie said...

So sorry for little Bryce. We will be praying for him.