Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Wonderful Day

Last Saturday I planned to have a little bit of time by myself to get some grocery shopping done. Well, it ended up that John was busy all day and since I refuse to go grocery shopping on a Saturday with four boys, it didn't get done. By the end of the day, I knew that I would need a break soon. So I told John that I was going to take a "day off" today. I got a little nervous when a co-worker asked John to help him move today and he agreed, but it all worked out fine. I started the morning off by going to the temple. John now goes once a week on his way to work, but I haven't been in a while. I knew I needed to go soon before my belly is to big and my bladder is to small to make it through a session! So I went this morning and it was wonderful. I even ran into my friend Julie while I was there. After that I did a little shopping and then headed to a baby shower for my friend and ward member Alicen. I had a great time there talking with friends and just plain enjoying some adult conversation. Although the conversation that I had with Alicen's little girl was quite entertaining as well. After I left the shower, I called John to see how things were going at home and found out that he and the boys had gone to the park to fly kites! Great! So I went up to the store and got a few groceries to get us through the weekend and then headed home. One of the greatest things of the day was that I didn't listen to kid's music the whole time I was in the car, nor did I have to answer a hundred and one questions throughout the day! John and the boys came home soon after I arrived back. John said, "I know it's crazy, but I just want to lie down and take a nap!" (Now he knows how I feel most every day!) But instead he headed out to help his friend move while I made dinner and fed the boys. The boys ate a lot for dinner and they said it was because all they had to eat all day was a piece of lunch meat for lunch. John said that the boys never said they were hungry so he didn't give them anything else. Oh well, they survived and they did do a great job of finishing off dinner! Then they were actually saying that they were so tired and wanted to go to bed. So we had early baths and William read to Jacob and Spencer while I put Bryce down to bed. I then went in and tucked the older boys into bed and by 7:15 pm all 4 boys were sound asleep. It is great! So both being able to have a day off and having a husband that will play with the boys and tire them out, get two huge thumbs up from me!


laurie said...

I want in on that deal! You have to cut them a little slack in the feeding category. They eat when they are hungry. If no one says they're hungry, no eating! I totally remember those days. It was super fun just sitting and chatting with the girls today. Glad you got some rest, you're gonna need more and more of it.

Jake and Jenny said...

A day off! That is so wonderful! It is sometimes all you need to refuel and get back to being a great Mom, which you are!

Shelli said...

We love great dads. I'm proud of you for taking some time for yourself.

Unknown said...

That sounds like the best day ever! And I love the comment about the hedgehog! That's awesome!!!