Tuesday, April 27, 2010


So I called the school this morning. I talked to a lady in the office and told her briefly what was happening with Spencer and asked who I needed to talk to about it. She said that she would have the principal or counselor call me to get the full story. She said that the school has a no tolerance policy with bullying and that the kids are not to touch each another. She also said that one of the office staff will be on the bus this afternoon and will find out who the kid is since the boys don't know his name.

About 10 minuets later, the same lady called me back. She actually pulled Spencer out of class and had him peak through the window into the classroom where Spencer believed the boy was. Spencer pointed him out and then went back to his classroom. She said that she would be on the bus this afternoon to confirm that this was the kid (they have assigned seating on the bus) and that action will then be taken. She said that the principal would call me tomorrow to let me know what had happened. Sounds good.

So...of course I was very anxious to talk to the boys when they got off the bus. As they came off, I asked how there day was and of course the answer was, "great". Then I asked what had happened with the boy on the bus and Jacob burst into tears. I asked him what had happened and he said that the nurse (apparently that is who I was talking with) and the principal had come onto the bus and asked the kids that sit around Spencer who was being mean to Spencer. One boy in the seat behind them said that it wasn't this other kid, but Jacob. Spencer said it wasn't Jacob and Jacob also said that it wasn't him and that he was trying to get the other boy to leave Spencer alone. According to Jacob and Spencer, the principal told the other boy to be sure to keep his hands to himself and then looked at Jacob and said I know that you did it! I don't know exactly what she said after that, but Jacob said that she was really mad at him and now he is in trouble. What??? Unbelievable!!! OK, I'm not saying that my kids never do anything wrong, but please...Jacob was the one who told me this was happening in the first place! Seriously I can't believe it.

So I gave both the boys a hug, told them we would talk more about it tonight and left with Spencer for music class. After music, I had to change and go immediately to Cub scouts and then on to William's school's Spring Sing. I took the three older boys to the Spring Sing and since parking and traffic is totally ridiculous at that school, we had some time to talk in the van while waiting to pull out of the parking space. I had them go through exactly what had happened multiple times. I assured Jacob he wasn't in trouble and then when we got home I talked with them some more individually. I mean it sounds crazy, but I wanted to make sure Spencer wasn't covering for Jacob or something. I just want to make sure I have the whole truth before I talk to the principal. Anyway, of course their stories were the same and it is totally insane that Jacob is the one in trouble. He is the one who told me about it for heaven's sake! "Sigh" So I guess when I drop the boys off at school in the morning, I will be going in to talk with the principal. I'm sure she is still planning on calling me tomorrow, but I think it will be better to talk to her in person. Wish me luck...this is so not my comfort zone...but, I am fired up!


laurie said...

Good luck with that. A zero tolerance means "if your kid is actually bleeding and we saw who did it". Poor Jacob, too sweet to have to go through that.

Becca said...

Ugh! I can't imagine Jacob hurting anyone on purpose. I want to hear how this ends!

Julie said...

So sorry about all this!