Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Time Moves On

I seriously can't believe we are now into April. It seems like it was just Christmas, yet summer will be here before we know it! April began a little rough as many not so funny "tricks" were played around here. The biggest issue that day was that the lift on our new van was not working correctly and that issue snowballed into many other "trials" throughout the day. Considering it is a machine that cost over $6000 and it was less than one week old, I was not say the least! Luckily, most things planned for that day were eventually accomplished and John was able to get the lift working again by the time I returned home from Bryce's neurology appointment. I am also very thankful to my good friend Heather who was there throughout all of this to help with my kids and keep me from totally loosing it!

Bryce's appointment went fairly well. He is being placed on an anti-seizure medication to see if it helps with the breathing/staring off issues he has been having. He will also be getting another MRI done and some more blood and urine work done to test for some other disorders that we have been questioning. The symptoms are not really exactly what Bryce has, but like his dr said, we would hate to miss something potentially curable by not finding out, so we will go ahead and check for those. I should be hearing back about the sleeping study today.

Since this last weekend, things have been looking up. Conference is always such a great mood lifter and always seems to give me the perfect combination of motivation/kick in the pants that I need. I also am glad that the candy and Easter bunny part of Easter are past. Now we have a while before anymore food/candy related holidays come up, maybe I can stick to eating healthier for a while. I, once again, have begun to exercise this week. I have walked 1 and a half miles two days this week. I know it doesn't sound like much, but it is three pounds more than I walked last I'll take it! I don't know why is it so hard to start something that feels so good when you have finished. I really do enjoy exercising once I get started and really wish I could lose some of the extra me I have hanging around! I can't believe where I have gotten to. It just makes me sick...and tired! I was actually considering trying out for Biggest Loser a couple of weeks ago, but really, there is no way I could leave my littles right now for even that long. I just couldn't do it. I sure would love to so something though to see some results. Maybe I'll get the biggest loser for the Wii! =)Hopefully the walking is a good start!

Spencer is going to the Broadway palms dinner theater for a school field trip on Friday. I would love to go with him so if I can work out arrangements for my other kids, I will be going. I love that place! I think it is amazing that they are taking Kindergartners there for lunch and a play. What an awesome field trip. I am very impressed (for many reasons) with their new school. Luckily they are loving it as well.

My plans for the next couple of days include catching up on our blog. I have so many pictures from Jan, Feb, and March that I have not posted. I am hoping to do that soon, so stay posted for some crazy blogging. I am also hoping to get back to working on my book that I am making from last years blog entries. Hopefully I will finish that and have it before Christmas this year!

I just got a call from the school's transportation department letting me know that Bryce's bus will be here early. Guess I better go get Annalise up and head to the bus stop!


laurie said...

So crazy about the lift! I desperately wanted to go do the BL a couple of years ago, but I, like you, couldn't imagine how that would work. How do people do that? Every step counts, so don't discount what you're doing, good work! I agree about the candy crap thing, good riddance! Did I just say that? Where's the chocolate?

Julie said...

Dear Tammy,
You have had such a busy life with a new van, new chair lift, Bryce appointments, and all that you are juggling--I hope you can pat yourself on the back because you are an amazing mother (who has much more on her plate than other moms have to worry about)!
A mom at LLL said she likes to cut up veggies on Sundays (when her hubby is home and she has more time) and store them in Tupperware or section them out in baggies for a quick snack during the week. Also, every day you are walking, good for you! Joe and I got pedometers and would shoot for "steps" goals for awhile. It was fun. My sister Lisa got a Dance, Dance, Revolution for her X-box to make exercise fun...we play it at family parties.