Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy Birthday William!

William celebrated his 9th birthday today! He had a great day at school...he loves having an April fools birthday! A bonus for his birthday today was that his teacher gave him a card telling him that he has been chosen as student of the Month for the month of March! He has been wanting that all year long. I thought it was great that she gave him that extra gift for his birthday.

He had a half day at school today and since I had to take Bryce to an appointment, he got to go play at the Pickens house for a couple of hours. Then we had his choice of pizza for dinner and apple pie for dessert, and opened presents.

We will be doing his friends party next week since he wants an outdoor party with a campfire and it was suppose to rain today and we will be getting irrigation tomorrow. Hopefully we can get it all together by then!

The pie was too hot for candles, so I put them in a cupcake for him to blow out!

1 comment:

laurie said...

Oh the grin with the skittles!