In honor of our little girl not being here yet, I thought I would post a few of the crazy pregnancy dreams I've had lately. My dreams in the final month or so of pregnancy always seem so vivid, but this time they are also very colorful! I don't really remember dreaming in such bright colors before. One night it was all about turquoise. I was dressed in a completely turquoise dress that in my dream I thought was just beautiful. I was with an Indian lady looking into a store window at another dress that she really loved and wanted but it was too expensive for her. I told her not to worry and that I could make her one just like it (in real life, this could never happen). Anyway, the dress was covered in a bright red, orange, and purple design, all outlined in a turquoise trim. In the dream...beautiful, in real life...hideous!
Another dream I had the other night was that we were at church with our new little girl. For most of the dream she was in her little carrier covered so I couldn't see her. At the end I folded down the top part of the carrier and lifted her out to show everyone. She was pink from head to toe, not just clothes, everything. She was very short and pudgy and I picked her up by the middle, held her over my head and said, "Isn't she the cutest little puppy ever!" Then in my dream I thought, but didn't say, "but wait, I don't even like puppies!" But she really did look like a fluffy, pink puppy.
I've also had a dream about our bright red van being towed because I parked it in an intersection in New Jersey because there was nowhere else to park it. It was going to cost $425 to get it out. I had no idea how I was going to tell John.
Last night I had a dream that Jacob came up to me while I was teaching a primary class and said that he had wet his pants. He was only wearing underwear at the time and I just told him to go into the bathroom and change his wet pants. Then as he was heading down the hall to the bathroom, I mentioned that he might want to put the rest of his clothes on as well. Then I went back to teaching as if that was all perfectly normal to me.
And the last one I will share for now is one of the first ones from this pregnancy that I remember. It was a about a month ago I guess that I had this one and it is by far my favorite. John and I were hiking up the side of a mountain. We saw a bear and John said not to worry and that as long as it didn't go into a cave where people were then we would be fine. So we crouched down behind a log and watched to see what the bear would do. He immediately went into a cave at the top of the hill and somehow we knew that people were in there. So John said, "ok, we better run for it." So we did. Well, as soon as we started running the bear came after us. Pretty soon John stopped and said, "well, we're not going to be able to outrun the bear, we'll just have to wrestle him." So the bear gets to us and John starts wrestling him face to face. I was just watching and realized that it wasn't going well, so I walk over, grab the bear from behind and throw him to the ground and pin him there! (yeah, right!) So then, we knew that we had beaten the bear so we got up and started heading down the hill again and the bear ran off in the other direction. Pretty soon we noticed that there was a kid in the path ahead and for some reason I started to get scared. John said, "don't worry, you can wrestle a bear, I'm sure you can handle this kid!" Then I was like all confident again and when we got to the boy, I grabbed him and threw him onto the ground just like I had the bear. Then we looked up and noticed that a second bear was heading in our direction. I looked at John and he was all excited and cheering me on yelling things like no problem, just take him too! So while I was still holding this boy down to the ground, I waited for the bear to get close enough and then with my one free arm I reached out and grabbed him pulling him down to the ground right next to the boy. John cheering me on the whole time. I then got up, gave the bear and the boy a look and John and I continued our walk down the hill as they ran up the hill in the other direction. I loved that dream because first I think it is hilarious and second, when I woke up from it, I felt so empowered, like I could literally take on anything! When morning came I of course shared my dream with John and the boys and they all loved it too. Many times since then when I have said that I can't do something or something seems too hard Jacob has said, "yes you can Mom, you can even wrestle a bear!"