Monday, May 4, 2009


Ok, so I know that I have not been on here in quite some time. Trust me, it's not because I have not wanted to be. I have blogged many times in my head throughout the week. What I mean is that as I am running around like a crazy person, I am thinking about things that are happening and how I want to blog them and how I can't wait until evening to have a spare minute to do so. But by the time I finally get dinner done and boys into bed, I have been falling into bed exhausted and often in tears because I am so frustrated that I am so tired and that I have not been able to get onto my beloved computer to see what is happening in the world of my friends and share what is happening here. I then fall asleep only to be woken up shortly after that either by Bryce or contractions or heartburn (or some other type of pain) which continues sporadically throughout the night until morning comes and I get up and start all over again. But tonight I am not going to bed until I have a few moments here. I have only had to be chastised (lovingly I'm sure) by three people today about disappearing off the face of the earth to get me committed again. So, as soon as I get Bryce down to bed...the other three are all asleep, thank goodness... I will be back and then you will all be getting an ear full! You asked for it! =)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry you've been so busy. I almost understand, I've had a few weeks like that myself, but I wasn't pregnant at the time. That's why I say I almost understand. Hope your life gets calmer soon. If nothing else, when you have the baby, you'll have to stay in the hospital for a couple of days at least. Think happy thoughts. :)