Wednesday, May 20, 2009

New Record

Well, our baby girl has set a new record. She has made it closest to her due date of all of our children so far. We are at 39 weeks today. I just got back from my appointment and have made it to a 4. One centimeter per week. this rate she should be here in about 6 weeks! Just kidding. I'm sure she wouldn't do that to me right?! Actually at this point, since she's made it this far, I'm hoping that she will stay put at least until tomorrow afternoon. Jacob graduates from Kindergarten tomorrow morning and I would really like to be there. Not that I necessarily enjoy kindergarten graduations or think they are necessary at all, but I would like to be there for Jacob. Also I realized that if I am having a baby tomorrow morning, John will be with me, Alea will be home with the other kids and no one will be there to take Jacob to graduation. The other kids we carpool with are all in the other kindergarten class and they have their graduation at a different time. So anyway, hopefully she will stay put just a little bit longer and then I think it would be nice if she would quit socializing in Heaven and come on down. I'm sure she'll be here soon. I'll keep everyone posted!


Jake and Jenny said...

Four centimeters and your still at home! It should be anytime now! That is so exciting Tammy!

Julie said...

You are still in our prayers. Hopefully, she is slowly preparing you for a wonderful, short, labor!