Saturday, December 19, 2009

December 8th--Kindergarten Christmas Concert

On December 8th, Spencer had his school Christmas Concert. John stayed home with the other kids while Spencer I went on a little "date", just the two of us. I Love doing that with my kids! We started by going out to dinner at Native New Yorker and then went over to the concert. The concert was only about 20 minutes long which was just about the right amount of time for a kindergarten concert. It was really cute. They always do such a good job. It was great being able to spend some one on one time with Spencer that night.

We played the dot game while we waited for our food.

Spencer enjoying his little sliders and curly fries.

They lined everyone up according to height. Spencer was the second to last child. My poor short boys!

Spencer is in the second row up, second person from the left.

He is just so handsome in his suit!

Spencer with his teacher, Mrs. Memmott.

Spencer with his buddy Trevor Millspaugh.

All the other kids were getting a picture with the music teacher, so he thought he should have one also.

1 comment:

Becca said...

One handsome dude!