Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Enough Spit-up Already!

Since I'm up this morning anyway I thought I would try to do a little blogging. And since I am spending time with my wonderfully adorable little girl, I thought I would give her a little spot of her own today. Although she is absolutely adorable and I love her more than life itself...she is driving me crazy! She is at that age where she does not want to sit still for anything! She wants to move! She can see that there are many things out there to explore and she wants to get to them. Eating, diaper changes, and sleeping have all become very active events here in our home. The trouble is that she hasn't quite mastered the full art of crawling or sitting and so she wiggles her way into all kinds of funny contortions trying to get what she wants and then can't get out of them. She has also developed a rather annoying talent. Maybe it is a girl thing, I don't know, but that girl can scream! Oh my gosh! She screams at every little thing. She is quite stubborn and very intense, way more than I remember any of my boys being. When she does not get her way or is trying to get someone's attention she screams a very high pitched scream...even at 2AM when everyone else is trying to sleep. She used to sleep so peacefully through the night, but now she rolls onto her tummy and instead of getting comfy and falling back to sleep, she decides it is time to play and of course you need company if you are going to play! Oh, that girl. And spit-up, don't even get me started on that. She has always been a huge spitter, but she is almost 7 months. Enough already!!! I'm tired of smelling like baby puke!

Ok, now that I've gotten that out of my system, I'm going to go snuggle on my little girl before anyone else wakes up!


laurie said...

Sometimes you just need to say it outloud (or via internet)! I haven't ever smelled you if that makes you feel any better. Ü

Julie said...

Bless you Tammy--it is hard to cherish the intimate little moments like "playing" at two in the morning when you know you have to be mommy to others and carry on the next morning. My second was a spit-upper until almost a year (9-10 months things got better). Hopefully, joy can come even in coaxing a little one back to bed. Is all parenting somewhat bitter-sweet, tickle bath kind of emotions? Tired but happy, sad yet glad, grateful but frustrated at the same time. You are a great mother to a whole gang (or is it a gaggle) of little ones--hold on!

Becca said...

My girls were much more intense and stubborn then my boy so far, but I also don't know if it is a girl thing. I'll have to have more babies to gather more information.