Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Non-Stop Days

It's been another non-stop day. As you know it started off with a wonderful look at our little girl. We got home in time for Bryce to have a short morning nap before Jacob came home from school and we had to take Spencer to preschool. We then returned home and quickly picked up the toy room a little bit before Bryce's therapists arrived. His OT and PT both came today which ended up working out really well. Since he qualifies for long term care, we are now eligible for the adaptive devices that he has been needing. The way it works I guess is that the companies will take whatever our insurance will pay and then the access care covers the rest. It's all totally new to me, so they kind of explained how it all works and what I need to do now to get everything rolling. We talked about what types of things we need most for Bryce at this time and then they measured him all over so that things can be custom made for him. It is truly a blessing that this is finally coming together. Then as soon as the therapists left, it was time to pick up kids from school. We came home, got homework done, fed Bryce and put him down to bed. He went down early because he had not gotten an afternoon nap and he was needing some sleep! Then I made dinner, OK, so it was just Mac and cheese for John and the boys and when John got home at 6pm, I quickly made myself presentable, spouted some orders for the evening, and left for Bunco. I love it when they need subs for Bunco because it means a fun night out for me. It was a nice way to end the day. Speaking of ending the day, since it is now almost 11pm, I guess I need to get to bed before everyone starts waking up and it starts all over again. Morning comes early around here!

1 comment:

laurie said...

Sounds like a busy but good, productive day. I can't tell you how happy I am for you that all this with Bryce is working out. Ditto about Bunko!! Every girl needs some Bunko.