Saturday, April 11, 2009

Milk, Milk, and More Milk!

It's amazing how quickly the Lord blesses us for doing the smallest bit of service. The sister missionaries stopped by today and while they were here I asked them if they had some place to go for dinner tomorrow. They didn't, so I invited them to come to our house. Not really a big deal. So this evening I went to Basha's to get some things for dinner tomorrow. Nothing like waiting until the last minute I know. Anyway I was just hoping that they would still have everything I would need. Well, let's just say they some! As I was going into the store I noticed a table set up and it looked like some type of display for Shamrock farms milk. I figured it was samples or coupons or something so I didn't bother to stop since I was kind of in a hurry to get the shopping done and get home to make dinner. Well, on my way out I noticed that people were walking away from the table with cases of something. I couldn't pass it up. I had to find out what was going on. Well, ends up they were giving away milk. By this time, they were ready to close up shop so instead of giving people a half gallon of milk, they were giving away cases which had 6 half gallons of milk in them! At the table they only had 1% and skim available so they gave me a case with a mixture of those two and then said to go over to the truck and they would give me a case of 2% as well! So I went and put my groceries into the car and then went over and picked up the the other case. I couldn't believe it. 6 free gallons of milk! I love it. Then to top it off, when I got home just after 5 my boys all said that they had just had pizza for dinner. I asked them where they got pizza from and they said that the people who moved into our guest house today (more on that in my next post) had pizza delivered and they shared with all of them. So great! All I had to do was feed Bryce and myself. The leftovers in the fridge worked great for that!

1 comment:

laurie said...

Dude, I wish I had been your shadow today!