Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Scary, but Proud Mom Moment

This actually happened yesterday, but I was just thinking about it and thought I would share. The boys were all playing outside before school with the neighbor kids. Once William and Jacob left for school, Spencer decided to stay out for a little bit longer. Before long I heard him come into the house. I was in the other room and he soon found me. Once he did, he just stood there for a minute kind of fidgeting and then he told me that the little boy next door had given him some candy and told him to come in the house and hide it and not to tell his mom. He said," but I wanted to tell you. I didn't want to keep it a secret from you. I'll go give it back to him now." So we talked about it for a minute and I had him show me what it was. Luckily it really was just a box of nerds that the boy had gotten for Easter. I made sure Spencer knew how proud I was of him for telling me and let him know that he did the right thing. I told him that if the boy had given him the candy he didn't have to give it back, but that he did right in telling me about it and showing it to me before eating it. It made me really nervous that at 4 years old he already is confronted with older kids giving him things and telling him not to tell his parents. It just gives me a scary feeling for the future, but I am so glad that he was able to come and tell me. I hope that line of communication stays open when the really important tests come!


laurie said...

It's working! We always hope it is, but it's nice when they actually show us.

Unknown said...

Yes, that does sound frightening. What a sweet boy you have who listens to the still, small voice.

Debbie said...

Spencer is such a good kid!