Friday, March 13, 2009

Bryce's Therapy Continues

I am so excited right now. As of today Bryce's therapy was suppose to end. Well, at the beginning of the week his PT told me that a group of people are suing the state over this whole issue and that if they were able to get it into a judge before today and get an injunction, then therapy would most likely continue. So all week, we have been hoping and praying and today we just got the word. Two of his therapists have just called and said that the judge has ordered an injunction. I don't totally understand all the legal jargon, but all I know is that Bryce will continue to get his services at least until this has been ruled upon. So again I don't know how long this will be, but this should give us the little extra time we will need to get him reevaluated for long term care and hopefully get everything in order for ongoing therapies. This has been quite a roller coaster, but today we are definitely up. It appears to be a lucky Friday the 13th for many families!!!


laurie said...

I am SO happy to hear that. I had read something else about this whole ordeal somewhere else and they were all quite upset about the whole thing as well. Happy Friday the 13th to you!

Becky said...

Yeah!! That is great news Tammy! I was looking at your blog they other day and read the comment about the hedgehog and was dying laughing! I told Kenny and he was laughing as well. So cute!

Jodi said...
